ALL | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M
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Is your personal network that assists you by collecting data and obtain non-biased, first hand, trustworthy consulting from two sources: in-company and out-of-company. This network was adapted to any [0.3] employing up to 20 [2.992] and is activated by the introduction of at least two relevant networking "members". An out-of-company "member" could be a "representative client", supplier, business consultant, expert that was involved within [1] in the past "three years" or a close person; a friend or family member who is not involved in the day-to-day of the [1.27], but is acknowledgeable of it. In-company "members" of this support network could be an [2.991], a salesperson, an accountant, an when relevant a partner.

no activity
For a seasonal ##1.21## ##1.22##, this is a period of time in the yearly calendar when there is no commercial activity. During such off-season times, costs must be as low as possible. Furthermore, this is an opportunity to re-plan for the upcoming season and upgrade existing resources. As an example, it might be the best time to consider refurbishment

non-marketer level
An introductory layman and practical approach.

online advertising
Purchasing space or time online to deliver a specific promotional message to a selected group of target audiences. This often has a goal of enhancing user responses, such as a click. This includes online sponsorship. Most online advertising budgets in leading economies are channeled to media, such as Search Engine Advertising (which is a part of search engine marketing), digital billboards, and smaller screens on the streets and at the points of sale (which is a part of street advertising, and more specifically called "Digital Out Of Home" or simply DOOH) - see signage.
For the more digitally advanced, there are other operational ways of maximizing advertising investments online, such as using an ad server or bid management tools.
An important characteristic of online versus offline initiatives is the ability to track marketing ROI. When the advertorial promise is focused on value (you get more for the same price or a discounted price for the same [6.1/6.2/6.3]) and is limited in time, it can be referred to as sale promotions, rather than "advertising".

own website
Online content under a domain name that is directly or indirectly registered, administered and controlled by ##1##.


An esteemed, branded ##6.11## ##6.12## that often responds to a client's emotional need, such as compensation or recognition. Premium products are often backed by a high quality of service, brand awareness and relatively higher prices. Such a ##6.11## ##6.12##is often perceived as one that has significant added value ("I am an authorized AppleTM dealer")."

private organization
Any private or semi-private body that runs an economic activity that serves the public's interest, and therefore, according to the local tax laws is treated as a for-profit entity. Mainly healthcare services, educational institutions and cultural organizations.

Professional briefs
A ready-to-send document sent to relevant marketing promotion service providers (such as an advertising agency, public relations agency and sale promotions agency) after they have been selected to work for a ##1.21## ##1.22##, but before they have started their work. The ideal process of working with third-party marketing service providers is as follows:<br>
- Request for Proposal (RFP)<br>
- professional brief<br>
- Service-level Agreement (SLA)<br>

right-brained person
People who tend to be more creative, intuitive and emotional, in comparison to those who seem to be more analytical, logical and rational (the left-brained people). Every person constantly uses both brain hemispheres. However, if you rely more on your right hemisphere, there are a myriad of effects. For example, at a school, it is likely that a right-brained person prefers courses, such as humanities (expressing words), rather than sciences (calculating values).
Another example: many right-brained people tend to forget a numeric security code that they use daily like the one for the lockbox of their car or at the entrance before going through a door if they are not in front of the numeric pad itself.

sales funnel
It is a general marketing term that is being used more often in digital marketing describing a step-by-step sales process. Unless it is an impulse purchase, purchasing is a process in which the user goes through pre-defined behavioral milestones: from awareness, through consideration, to a decision. As users advance along the process, or experience a "journey", their number decreases which made the term "sales funnel" more popular than "sales pipeline" or simply "sales process". When planning an optimized sales funnel its milestones may include a terminology, such as "visit", "lead", "qualified lead", "marketing qualified lead", "sales qualified lead", "payer", and a few more.

search engine marketing
SEM includes many ways of promoting a website or a single webpage through search engines as a part of internet marketing. SEM includes search engine optimization (SEO) and is a part of online advertising, but it also includes other means which are paid-for within search engines, such as through "pay-per-click" (PPC), "pay-per-lead" (PPL), and landing pages.

search engine optimization
SEO is a continuous process of improving the volume and quality of web traffic to a specific website or webpage by employing a series of legal techniques that allow a site to achieve higher ranking results within major search engines. These practices facilitate what is called an "organic search". Most optimization practices do not require a direct payment to search engines. SEO is part of search engine marketing (SEM).

A group of people that serve as a representative sample of the actual demand and is labeled by common denominations, mainly based on their needs, for marketing purposes. For ##1##, such specific circles of people are probably ##57.1## ##57.2## ##57.3## and ##57.4## ##57.5##.
The size of a segment can be as small as one predominant client (see micro segmentation), while defining a generic group, such as a whole generation, is not helpful, although it is a rather common habit. We do not make use of terms such as "Generation X, Y (or Millennials), Z, Alpha", etc., which defines more than a billion people by clear-cutting birthdates every 15 years: whoever was born between 1965 and 1980 belongs to Generation X, or Gen X, etc.
Besides its size, a relevant and specific segment has to be definable, accessible and profitable. This process helps to couple an offer with its demand and vice versa, while using limited marketing resources (some may write this term as segMENtation as a reminder of its meaning).

The process of regrouping demand into segments. See segment.

small data
Data that is achieved by an interaction with clients through face-to-face or observational contact. Such interactions and observations contribute to identifying rational and emotional feedback among clients. Such qualitative data can build emotional ties with clients, but cannot be discovered just by analyzing data in a larger statistical database. This is also called the "voice of clients", and is just as important as big data for ##0.3##s.

A common abbreviation that stands for Small and Medium Businesses while we call it Small and Micro Business. In every economy, micro (sole proprietorship businesses operating from home or elsewhere) and small-sized businesses, are referred to as SMBs and account for most of the national economic activity. Every country defines SMBs differently, mainly by two factors: staff headcount and turnover. This business development plan is generally made for micro, small, and medium-sized businesses. SMBs can also be referred to as "SME": small and medium enterprises.

A common abbreviation that stands for Small and Medium Enterprises while we call it Small and Micro Enterprise. In every economy, micro (sole proprietorship operating from home or elsewhere), small, and medium-sized companies, are referred to as SMEs and account for most of the national economic activity. Every country defines SMEs differently, mainly by two factors: staff headcount and turnover. This business development plan is generally made for micro and small-sized enterprises. SMEs can also be referred to as "SMB": small and medium businesses

social listening
Technological tools that allow one to scan the content about a [1.27] that can be legally tracked in social networks and discover patterns and trends. The output of scanning and monitoring social media interactions can include insights about what selected people think and feel about a brand. "Listening" to social media content is limited due to dark social.

social network
For marketing purposes, an online social network is a service or platform that supports a [1.27] through helping build relationships with potential and existing clients and partners. Furthermore, it allows to "listen" in on genuine conversations about preferences and experiences of clients, which is also known as social listening. An online social (network) service generally allows users to create a free profile, share content (called "social share") and provide links to other relevant materials (also called "social media", "social space" or "viral marketing online").

Glossary 41 - 60 of 68
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    [1.21] => company
    [2.7] => more than 500
    [2.981] => peer
    [logo] => 57
    [photo] => 58
    [7.3] => no
    [9.15] => it generates some leads.
    [9.22] => no
    [5.5] => making decisions
    [10.1] => at a non-marketer level
    [2.3] => from 5 to 9
    [2.951] => employee
    [2.952] => employees
    [1.275] => private organization
    [2.19] => I have an interest in learning about meaningful marketing to SMEs from a 	 practitioner point of view (learning by doing). 	 For example, as professional development, educator, student or someone 	 acquiring general knowledge in that subject.
    [2.2] => from 2 to 4
    [2.961] => colleague
    [2.991] => colleague
    [1.272] => store
    [7.2] => yes
    [8.11] => Basic
    [6.4] => yes
    [7.14] => is satisfactory and consistent
    [9.12] => no
    [9.14] => it functions as the primary source of sales.
    [9.21] => yes
    [9.401] => yes
    [2.112] => co-owner (partner, stakeholder)
    [2.151] => sales & marketing (including customer service and communication)
    [2.143] => freelance, digital nomad
    [2.81] => you tend to believe that you are a very good manager
    [2.93] => yes
    [5.1] => planning
    [0.41] => attachment
    [2.5] => from 20 to 99
    [8.3] => 4 to 10 products services
    [0.1] => SME (Small or Micro-size Enterprise)
    [0.44] => appendix
    [2.04] => yes
    [2.972] => teammates
    [1.280] => clinic
    [6.7] => other companies (B2B)
    [7.02] => a specific area within United States
    [3.52] => percentage breakdown (with no nominal sales)
    [1.82] => one-woman-show
    [2.1] => I am the sole proprietor
    [2.962] => colleagues
    [services:::6.2] => services
    [6.2] => services
    [6.12] => service
    [8.2] => 2 to 3 products services
    [3.01] => your
    [3.02] => the
    [1.279] => dealership
    [1.25] => yes
    [8.12] => Value
    [7.03] => Israel as a whole
    [7.022] => a larger area beyond the close vicinity of STAR
    [7.15] => could be improved
    [9.16] => it serves solely to provide company business information.
    [2.152] => accounting & finance (including purchasing)
    [2.142] => service provider
    [2.83] => you could improve the way that you manage
    [1.91] => yes
    [1.94] => no
    [5.2] => executing
    [5.6] => taking actions
    [1.23] => yes
    [1.83] => one-human-show
    [7.031] => yes
    [7.021] => approximately a few kilometers of Yankel & Sons
    [3.53] => Option 3 - tendency: high, low, in-between (called a "shoulder" month) or no activity month
    [9.111] => at an introductory level
    [9.331] => f
    [9.52] => no
    [2.191] => you relate it to your professional development
    [5.81] => yes
    [0.2] => SMB (Small or Micro-size Business)
    [0.3] => SMB
    [1.22] => business
    [1.9] => Yankel
    [2] => Doodle
    [1] => Yankel & Sons
    [1.7] =>
    [7.1] => Hungary
    [0.42] => reference
    [1.24] => not yet
    [2.6] => from 100 to 499
    [1.81] => one-man-show
    [2.05] => no
    [2.61] => 300
    [2.611] => 5
    [2.91] => 499
    [2.92] => 499
    [2.982] => peers
    [2.992] => peers
    [products:::6.1] => products
    [6.1] => products
    [6.11] => product
    [8.4] => more than 10 products services
    [ToolsNow2] => 0
    [1.278] => agency
    [1.27] => agency
    [1.26] => no
    [8.13] => Premium
    [6.6] => end users (B2C)
    [7.04] => international markets
    [7.032] => no
    [7.023] => none of the above
    [3.51] => Option 1 - total sales (nominal sales)
    [4.35] => yes
    [4.46] => no, not a close person
    [4.47] => close person
    [4.48] =>
    [9.011] => high quality
    [9.012] => int
    [6.5] => no
    [7.16] => must be improved!
    [9.112] => at an advanced level
    [9.113] => 7
    [10.24] => no
    [9.11] => yes
    [9.131] =>
    [9.132] =>
    [9.17] => it is currently under development.
    [9.20] => no
    [9.82] => no
    [9.31] => yes
    [9.332] => tiktok
    [9.394] => opinion leader
    [9.392] => opinion leader
    [9.402] => no
    [9.40] => We are present in two networks
    [9.51] => yes
    [9.511] => YankelD
    [9.55] => this app generates some leads.
    [9.41] => yes
    [2.111] => owner
    [2.15a] => ownerco-owner (partner, stakeholder)owner
    [2.154] => ICT (information & communication technologies)
    [2.141] => consultant, advisor, mentor, coach
    [2.18] => consultant, advisor, mentor, coachservice providerfreelance, digital nomadconsultant
    [2.193] => you learn (collect) business knowledge
    [2.14] => learn
    [2.20] => working student
    [2.84] => you must improve the way that you manage
    [1.92] => no
    [4.31] => yes
    [1.93] => yes
    [2.94] => not yet
    [10.3] => 0
    [5.3] => controlling
    [5.4] => thinking critically
    [5.72] => 3
    [5.73] => 8
    [5.74] => 3
    [5.75] => 1
    [4.45] => let's contact a close person.
    [4.37] => close person
    [4.38] =>
    [2.03] => people
    [5.711] => 4
    [5.712] => 7
    [5.82] => no
    [10.2] => at an advanced marketing level
    [10.22] => no
    [] => pro support >
    [4] => offering short-term solutions
    [9] => user-friendly approach
    [9.01] => experience
    [9.02] => wow service
    [4.2] => be the leading choice for ski vacations
    [7.5] => transparency, family ethics
    [4.33] => John
    [4.34] => Consult
    [2.15] => I am directly involved within a SME.  	 For example, I have an ownership, managerial, business development, sales or              marketing responsibility, within a SME.
    [3.2] => January
    [3.3] => 2025